Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a Legacy

Did anyone else sob like a baby during the Google Super Bowl commercial or Just me? I guess for me it hit home and hit hard especially after losing my mom. The commercial was a reminder to me of how important memories are and not just the big memories (holidays and adventures) but the little things too. It sparked my desire to leave a legacy.


I started to think about the day to day things that I do and that my kids do. Many of the things I thought of were temporary, we would do them during this season of our life but they wouldn’t be something we did forever. I realized that I wanted to remember those little things we did every day. I wanted to remember the things that would one day be gone. 

Right before that commercial aired Jamie was grousing about all of the kid’s toys and how much of a mess the living room was. I just looked at him and said “you’re going to miss this.” He just looked at me, my response was “one day there won’t be a mess and you will want there to be one. One day there won’t be any toys on the shelf and believe it or not one day they won’t be here to make the mess. So enjoy the toys, the mess, and the noise because one day it will be clean and quiet.” 

As to not forget what I wanted to capture I started writing post-it notes to remind me of pictures I wanted to take. I haven’t quite figured out a place to put these post-it notes so they are visible and reminders of times I want to pick up my camera, but until then I will continue to write them and snap pictures. 

If you are struggling with what you want to remember to check Creating Your Family Legacy for a list of questions that will encourage you to reflect and think about those moments.

Below are some of the “things” I don’t want to forget. 

Henleigh learning to “i love you” in sign language.
Helping with the firewood.
Garrett always drinking water!
Marisol sleeping in a laundry basket.
Henleigh reading.
Marisol’s Piggy Feet.
Garrett opening a cookie.
All of the coats that never get picked up.

Interested in how I share our family pictures and work towards leaving a legacy? Check out Sharing Memories.

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