New Pop Up Canvas
Most Pop Up Campers are older and need a few upgrades. Ours was no exception! After fixing the heat/water heater and rebuilding the front storage box we moved on to New Pop Up Canvas.
You would think that replacing your camper canvas would be difficult but in reality it is NOT!!
We needed new canvas for a couple of reasons.
- the canvas had a few holes from the mice when the camper was stored in a field. Before spending the money on a new canvas we patched the holes and it worked great
- the bigger problem was dry-rot. The seams of the original canvas were covered in this plastic to keep the seams from leaking. After years of being in the sun and heat the plastic was flaking off! Every time we opened the camper there would be little plastic flakes everywhere. We ended up having to wait to make the bed until we got to our destination so that we didn’t want to have plastic flakes all over our bed.

When researching different companies to purchase our canvas from we found that it was easier if the company already had your canvas template on file. If they didn’t have the template on file already we would have to send the old canvas to them. We really wanted to keep the canvas on as long as possible to keep the dust out of the camper while doing other projects and wanted to spend some extra time taking the canvas down so that we could install the new canvas correctly.
We went with Canvas Replacements and they already had our canvas on file so the hardest part was picking out what color combo we wanted. The original canvas was gray and hunter green, which was not the vision we had for our renovated camper. I wanted a blue and Jamie wanted a neutral. We ended up going with Gray Canvas with Gray vinyl on the bottom and requested tinted windows to help with the privacy.
We ordered the canvas in January knowing that it would take a few months for it to arrive. Because of the weather we waited until the front storage box was done and the painting inside was done before we installed it.

When taking down the old canvas we payed attention to how it was installed, where we might have problems (tight spots, etc.), and where the wires were run. We would take down one section and put that section back up. It made it easier to remember how the old canvas was taken down.

Things we learned.
- The new canvas didn’t have the same pockets/sleeves for the wires, so we had to cut a couple of slits to hide the wires.
- Canvas does stretch and shrink- it’s better to put the canvas up when it is warmer and easier to manipulate.

Replacing your Pop Up Camper Canvas isn’t hard to replace. It is one of the more expensive upgrades to our pop up but it made a huge difference in the overall feel of the camper. AND!! we are able to make the bed before getting to our destination.
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Really looks good I have a 2001 redwood pop up . It is hard to Crank is there an easier way to crank up the trailer
We use a cordless drill. You can do a search on Amazon for a “bit” that will fit your camper.