Why Camp with your Kids
As a kid we all looked forward to summer and more importantly summer vacations where we got to visit new places and spend time with our family and friends. But summer doesn’t have to be the only time you get to visit new place and spend time with your family and friends; CAMPING is something that can be done year round! Camping is not only a great way to spend time with your family/kids but it has many other life long benefits.
Why should you camp with your kids?? Welling Camping with your kids allows you to…
Be present
In today’s world kids have more access to technology than ever before but with more access to technology we are seeing changes in our kids social skills and our social lives that we have never encountered before. With this shift there has become a movement to “Be Present”, to put the technology down and just live in the moment. What better way to do this than to CAMP! Put your phones down and just spend time with your kids; go for a walk/hike, teach them how to fish, or build a sand castle. Camping is a great way to do this before more often than not campgrounds don’t have the best wifi.
Make memories
Both Jamie and I camped as a kid. Some of our favorite memories were our camping adventures. Jamie just recently came across some pictures of a camping trip he took with his dad. He loved that trip, especially sleeping under the stars. I have fond memories of camping at the lake and swimming all day with my cousins. These are memories that we both cherish and want to make sure our kids have similar memories.
One of the ways we preserve those memories is by taking lots of pictures. Then making sure we print them. You can read about how we share our pictures in my Sharing Memories Post.
Teach life skills
Camping provides ample opportunities to teach life skills to your kids. For example setting up and taking down camp is a team effort. And even at a young age our kids help. There favorite job is collecting the “legos” aka the leveling blocks and putting them in the bag.
Keeping warm and cooking our food is a basic need. Camping is known for sitting around campfires eating smores and telling stories. Get your kids involved when making the fire, even our toddlers help with gathering sticks and pine cones to get the fire started.
Food is another basic need; fishing and hunting are great skills to have and can easily be taught while camping near a lake or in the woods. We often camp near the beach and love to surf fish when ever possible.
Make new friends
Every time we camp we get to meet new people. Being able to teach our kids how to make friends is a skill that we know will be invaluable. It will make sure that they always have someone to talk to, it will ensure that they can network with others and hopefully one day help them get a job that they love.
Love of Nature
Camping provides the perfect opportunity to explore. When you are exploring you are getting to see nature and it’s beauty. With that comes a love of nature and a desire to want to preserve it for the next generation
National Parks are a great place to start. You get to learn about history and seeing our country’s natural beauties. The National Park Passport Book is a great place to go when you are looking for your next camping spot.
Camping with your Kids will be a great Adventure. Just try it!!
There are so many benefits to camping with your kids that I could go on and on. Camping is an adventure that you can tailor to your lifestyle. No mater what just take your kids and spend time with them. The memories and lessons that they learn will be everlasting.